New Page Type: Sitemap
Author: Geoff B.03/21/2012
We've added another new page type to the site today - an automatic sitemap.
This page will automatically create a "sitemap" of all of the pages, portfolios, images and articles on your website. These are listed in an easy to read format.
Sitemaps are useful for people looking for a quick reference for pages or resources on your website.
There is also some search engine benefit for having a sitemap, as it allows spiders easier access to all of the pages on your site. Spiders are the mechanisms that collect information about your site for search engines.
This shouldn't be confused with the Google Sitemap feature, which is found under "Google Features". The Google Sitemap is file that only Google uses, provided in a specific format, which allows Google's spider a reference of your pages.
More to come...!
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