Etsy Importer
Author: Geoff B.05/05/2012
We added a new feature to the site today that will allow you to import items directly from Etsy, into your portfolios on ImpactFolios.
Importing from Etsy will also automatically create links in your portfolios so that visitors to your site can buy your imported items directly from Etsy.
We've also added a property to the images in your portfolio, which allows you to set an Etsy link for each of the images in your portfolio. This will create a purchase button for Etsy on those images. This is useful for items that you have added to ImpactFolios prior to the import option.
To import Etsy items, go to a portfolio in the portfolio manager, and click the "Etsy Import" link. You will be walked through the process of setting up your shop and importing images.
More to come!
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