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Generic Email setup instructions for Mail Clients

The following instructions will work for most email client configurations:

  1. Start the mail program
  2. Select "preferences" from the "mail" menu.
  3. Click the "accounts icon"
  4. A new dialog window will appear. Click the "add account" button.
  5. Use the following information for your new account:
    • Account Type: POP
    • Description: ImpactFolios Mail
    • Email Address: The email address provided to you
    • Full Name: Your full name
    • Incoming Mail Server: Mail server provided in your setup messages
    • User Name: Your Full email address
    • Password: The password provided for your email account
  6. Next, click the "options" button.
  7. In the "Outgoing Mail Server" text box, type in your domain name.
  8. Click "Ok".
  9. Click "Ok".
  10. Click the red close button to exit the preferences window.

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